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WELCOME TO tsukinio.nekoweb.org

♡ Making websites for fun ♡ Accessibility and aesthetics are my top priorities ♡ The main purpose of this site is to overshare my thoughts. Originally known as 'komichi', this site offers you a glimpse into the life of a depressed high school student (almost in college). Expect oversharing, moments of sadness, and bursts of rage from time to time. If possible, please stay with me until the end as I take you on my journey and share my knowledge about real life. There may be long or indefinite hiatuses along the way—who knows?


other ♫

link my button! click to save, please don't hotlink, thank you o/

button button

follow me on nekoweb

sign my guestbook also credits on what i use

guide ♡

about me - facts about the webmaster of this site, also their biography

microblog - where i post my status irl, usually

drawbox - share your drawings!! would love to hear more things from you!

overshare - where i mainly talk about my interests usually media, sharing fun and interesting facts that i know, or just serve it as a blog


site log | dd/mm format


28/03 — new cursor, new about page, yipeeeeeeee

22/03 — changed the header of the index also I did a bit styling on drawbox & overshare

15/03 — published a new page! overshare aka my blogging spot

13/03 — published a new page called drawbox

12/03 — back from hiatus, site being revamped and published